Give this service a try

Grab it for your site
- open your favorite web authoring tool (e.g.: DreamWeaver, FrontPage, vi, etc)
- copy two lines of code located in the text box at the top of this page into your web source code
- publish your page on the Internet
- visit the page and configure your first poll right in the browser!
JS-Kit's Polls service offers an elegant tool for creating interactive user polls on your site. Its outstanding simplicity allows to create and modify polls right from the browser without ever changing the HTML code. Use Polls on your site and find out what your readers really think!
Benefits for visitors:
- expressing opinions quickly and easily
- no registrations to fill, no logins to forget
- instant visual poll results
Benefits for web publishers:
- robust operation and full backup of your data
- on-the-fly modification of existing polls
- configurable poll duration and behavior
- several design skins
- cross-browser compatibility
This is a quick list of the Polls' most remarkable features, for a complete list see the Polls documentation.